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  • What are some Good Reasons to Cancel an Interview?

What are some Good Reasons to Cancel an Interview?

Although Fratres has published many tips on passing a job interview successfully, today’s article is on how to cancel an interview. Sometimes things happen. The interview that you have long waited for is no longer in your wish list. Let’s discover some professional etiquettes of cancelling a job interview without burning the bridge:

What to Do Before You Cancel a Job Interview:

before cancelling a job interview

Canceling an interview should not be a quick and random decision. It would be best if you thought about it, or else you will regret it.

Cancelling a job interview is not rescheduling or postponing an interview. It means that you are canceling your application. It is about announcing to employers that you are not coming to their meeting.

You Can Cancel Your Job Interview:

-When you have already applied for another job that offers a better salary and work condition: it can be due to limited professional options that you find yourself obliged to apply for a job far from your qualification and interest. Pushing yourself in a job you don’t like can be written on your face in the job interview. Once you find another professional alternative, you should cancel all your professional commitments with that job, especially when it is not part of your interests from the very beginning. Take a look at How To Choose Between Two Jobs

-When you are going to shift to another town and start your professional job there. Relocation can be a reason to cancel your interview, primarily when it does not provide freelance opportunities. You should inform your recruiter that changing your address to a very remote place is your reason to apologize for the meeting. 

-When you migrate to another country: have you applied to a visa elsewhere, and your application is valid? What’s the point of getting a job in your home country while you are leaving for another? This situation will not let you think twice about attending your job interview.

reasons for cancelling a job interview

-When you plan to pursue advanced studies such as the Master’s Degree or a Ph. D. degree, academic fulfillment sometimes requires a professional sacrifice. Sometimes you find yourself unable to work and study at the same time.

-When you are married, and your life partner does not recommend you to get that job: personal matters can affect your work life. Sometimes your life partner can limit your professional activities; for example, married women can cancel a job interview for a maternity leave or any other family circumstances. Here are some hacks: How to Get Success in Life and Career?

-When you are suffering from an illness that requires intensive care and rest.

-When you have a competitive exam: Sometimes you are hoping for a job in the public sector, conditioned by winning a competitive exam. You can cancel your job interview to prepare for your exam, or maybe this exam coincides with your job interview date.

-When you get the news that the field you have applied for is suspected with scam and many dangerous outcomes: before you run away, cancel your application, your job interview. Then, you can run with confidence. 

Depending on your matters and professional arrangements, you can draw your decision on canceling a job. Now, let’s see how to deliver your reasons to your optional employers.

How to Cancel a Job Interview via Email:

It is not polite to close your phone and ignore this meeting. Escaping this interview this way will offer a negative impression on you. Employers can warn other employers and inform them that you are not a serious candidate. Instead of ruining your professional reputation, try to apologize for this meeting through an email:

Subject Line: Cancelling a job interview:

To: ABC Company

Dear Sir Mr/ Mrs.

My name is XYZ. I have applied for a Front-end Developer job. I am also invited to get a job interview on (mention the day, and the date). Unfortunately, I cannot be present that day. Due to some personal matters, I have another medical appointment that coincided with that date. I extremely apologize for canceling this meeting in this unexpected way.

Thank You,


how to cancel a job interview via phone  

How to Cancel a Job Interview through the Phone:

Sometimes you get haunted by the vague idea that an email is not enough to reach employers. In this case, try to use your phone to communicate with employers directly. Remind your employer that you have already sent an email before this call. Remember to act like yourself. Your reasons for canceling a job interview should be real and not self-made.

How to Cancel a Job Interview in the Same Interview Day:

Sometimes, when you apply for a job in the company’s waiting room, you find yourself invited to a walk-in-interview. If you feel not ready or not well, you can cancel this interview by apologizing to the hiring manager.

These were different reasons, including the ways to cancel a job interview. Try to follow these guidelines, without over-dramatizing what happened with you. The most important thing is not regretting giving up the job. All the best.



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