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Top high-in-demand jobs in Zimbabwe

Zimbabwe got independence in 1980 from the monarchy system of The United Kingdom. Zimbabwe is a republican country now whose economy has relied upon its mining and agrarian departments. high in demand jobs in zimbabwe

Zimbabwe's mining industry has monstrous potential as the land of Zimbabwe is rich with the Great Dyke, which is the second biggest underground deposit of Platinum worldwide. Finding a job in Zimbabwe has become a hard task since the economic market has been hit by the Covid-19 pandemic. People were already living hand to mouth before Covid-19, the pandemic has created more difficulties for Zimbabweans.

 The native people of Zimbabwe use their abilities and skills to earn by working in the petroleum and oil sector, running traveling agencies, providing medical services, teaching or providing home services like cleaning and babysitting. Many job opportunities are available for foreigners in consulates and embassies too.

 According to the first digital census conducted by Zimstat in April 2022, the population of Zimbabwe is 15.01 million out of which 88.69 percent of people are educated. Currently, 5.90 per cent of people are unemployed in Zimbabwe. The other 1.5 million individuals are employed in monthly paid work, they pay taxes and are registered by the Zimbabwean government. Around 1.4 million people work in informal sectors of Zimbabwe's economy.

 The 96 per cent young generation of Zimbabwe is forced to work odd jobs like drivers, loaders, waiters, cleaners etc. It is such a disheartening situation for them. A few most demanded jobs are mentioned below with the estimated highest and lowest paid salaries. It might help people to find jobs quickly in Zimbabwe whether they have any qualifications or not.


An individual who is not qualified and lacks skills can provide services such as warehouse delivery Driver, lorry driver, pick and drop service, and food delivery services. They usually earn the lowest 28,300 Zimbabwean dollars to the highest 97,800 Zimbabwean dollars which includes other benefits too. The average salary of drivers varies on the type of license he owns. If it's a heavy vehicle license he is probably paid more than a person owing a bike or car license.

Lab Technician

The average salary of laboratory technicians is higher than most people. They usually earn the lowest is 139,000 Zimbabwean dollars to the highest is 221,000 Zimbabwean dollars based on experience and medical training and school they have.


The person responsible for managing day-to-day tasks and schedules is the secretary. The average salary of a secretary is 46,600 Zimbabwean dollars to 161,000 Zimbabwean dollars based on their intelligence and experience. It includes housing and transport benefits.

Finance Officer 

A Finance officer is responsible for creating financial reports under the guidance of the employer. They earn around 90,300 Zimbabwean dollars to 683,000 Zimbabwean dollars.


A person working in the tourism sector or travel agencies usually earns around the lowest 65,100 Zimbabwean dollars and the highest is 225,000 Zimbabwean dollars.

Geological Professor 

A Professor who teaches Geological Sciences is responsible for collecting earthy fossils, mineral samples, and rocks from different areas by conducting fieldwork with students. It benefits the economy of Zimbabwe. This is the reason they are paid more than usual teachers and professors. Their lowest salary starts at 153,000 ZWD and the highest is 528,000 ZWD. This average monthly salary includes house rent, transportation, medical allowance and other perks.

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Administrative Assistants

A person working as an Administrative Assistant is responsible for clerical work and easing out inter-organisational communication. The average salary of an administrative assistant is usually around the lowest 52,800 Zimbabwean dollars to the highest 182,000 Zimbabwean dollars based on experience and the degrees they hold.

Civil Engineers

Civil Engineers are the people responsible for developing infrastructure and they ensure the maintenance of structural projects like sewerage, sanitation, heating, cooling and water. They earn around 95,500 Zimbabwe dollars to 330,000 Zimbabwean dollars.

English Teacher 

The person responsible for teaching English reading, learning and writing earns well. The average salary ranges from 80,400 Zimbabwean dollars to 278,000 Zimbabwean dollars. This salary includes other perks and benefits like housing, free schooling for kids and transportation.

Financial Analyst 

A Financial Analyst works as a guide for the organization's fiance. When to invest in stocks and when to sell bonds is the decision of financial analysts. They typically earn higher than most people. The lowest salary is 128,000 Zimbabwean dollars and the highest is 443,000 Zimbabwean dollars.

Must Read: How to Impress in a job Interview in Zimbabwe

Mining Engineer

mining engineer jobs in zimbabwe
The mining engineers are responsible to plan and carry out extraction projects to dig out metallic and non-metallic material for the earth in Zimbabwe. Their salaries range from the lowest at 88,700 Zimbabwean dollars to the highest at 307,000 Zimbabwean dollars.

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