Top 10 Hardest Jobs in the World List

posted:3 years agobyMarry JoJoin Work Life
Every job has its unique nature. Some jobs are pretty simple and don't require many physical activities, while other jobs are extremely tough. They drain your physical and mental energy. It's not easy to keep up with routine job duties, but you will have to find a way to get through it. The only thing that keeps people motivated in the toughest jobs in the world is money. Yes, these jobs involve risks and lots of energy, but they let you earn a handsome amount of money. Today, I plan to unlock the top 10 hardest jobs in the world.
1.Military Jobs
Everyone likes to wear military uniforms, but the fantastic look comes with lots of responsibilities. Working in the military means putting your life at risk every other day. Unlike an office job, field military jobs involve a variety of challenges. Mercenary and marine jobs are the toughest of all. High risk comes with high reward. Thereby, you will earn name and fame alongside hefty checks. Despite this, you will gain respect from society.
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2.Healthcare worker
People serve society and help them join the healthcare field. However, this industry brings lots of challenges. Recently, healthcare is facing the biggest challenge of Century, aka Covid-19. When everybody was sitting at home and trying to protect their families from coronavirus, healthcare workers were doing their duties. They still are working nonstop for society's betterment.
So, whether you work as a nurse, surgeon, or doctor, you turn into a difficult job. The pay and perks of healthcare jobs are also super rewarding.
Fighting with fire to save property and people is a courageous act. An average person will never stay at a place where the fire is set. However, these frontline workers deal with such a stressful situation and always go above and beyond to save lives.
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If you want to make more money per hour, you can become a cleaner or painter in an oil rig. You should be well aware of the risks and challenges involved in this physically and mentally demanding job. Your wages will be determined on a per-hourly basis. As far as work schedule is concerned, you will work nonstop for six weeks while taking a break on weekends. After six weeks, you can go on leave to put your mind and body at rest,
One of the toughest and physically demanding jobs is to become a brick mason. Your job requires you to do the heavy lifting and complete loading and unloading of heavy materials. The work environment is outdoor, which means you will have to continue working no matter how hot or raining the weather condition is.
Another hard job you can find is as a Roofer. Your job requires you to work on the roof. The outdoor work environment isn't always suitable. Despite the harsh weather scenario, you will have to continue working on a given task at hand.Understand: What does a roofer do?
Cutting large trees sounds like a simple task, but it brings a lot of dangers in reality. You don't know how the large tree log will fall. Chances of death and injuries are pretty standard in this specific kind of job. In extreme chilly weather, loggers need to cut, drag and load logs on the truck. They take it to a place where they cut big logs into smaller pieces.
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One of the most demanding jobs you can think of involves a miner in the list. Working in a mine isn't that easy. Miners are exposed to dangerous chemicals in the environment. This chemical exposure often increases health concerns. Chances of injury, accidents, and death are pretty common.
Protecting celebrities and high-profile clients means putting your life at risk. The role of a bodyguard is to safeguard VIPs at any cost. Attackers often hit bodyguards first as it's an imminent danger for them. It would be best if you were physically fit and highly courageous to become successful at this job.
10.Tower Climbing
We can't imagine our life without a cellphone, but we don't know how many lives have been lost only to keep signals intact. Yes, I'm talking about tower climbers. They are professionals who reach the optimal height and make sure that signals /networks are all set. Many death cases are reported because fatalities happened due to tower erection, retrofitting, or dismantling. It is among the hardest jobs in the world.
I have shared a list of the toughest jobs you can do. Tell me which job you would like to go for. The main attracting point of these jobs is their high pay. Many jobs are hourly in nature, which means you can earn a good amount of money per hour.