Most Common Competency Questions

posted:4 years agobyAwatef Hamdiin Interviews
The next step after applying for a job is to expect an interview. Are you excited to meet your interviewers and discover the awaiting questions? Well-interview preparation is essential to nail the job. If you are worried about what comes next, visit Fratres and look at the different job interview guidelines. Today we will talk about a competency-based interview. It sounds interesting, isn't it? Increase your employability through Fratres career advice.
What is a Competency-Based Interview?
You feel that you are already competent to get hired for many jobs. You think that you meet all the requirements and you are the one. Many people believe the same. Employers do not have the same perception. They want to verify all that through a competency-based interview.
A competency-based interview has many labels. It can be called a structured interview, where it is based on testing skills and competencies. The questions in this interview are meant to evaluate the applicant's answers about predetermined criteria.
How Can You Reach the Required Level:
Competency interviews are relevant to the job you are applying for. You need to know what kind of competences this position demands. Each post targets a set of skills and qualifications. The questions are usually based on competencies highlighting:
-Your communication skills: communication is a gift if you are a well talkative person who can assess, convince, and break the ice.
-Your adaptability: express your flexibility and ability to try new experiences and your motivation for the job. You can Understand The Whole Concept of Career Management Skills
-Problem-solving skills: prove that you have enough wisdom to solve problems.
Organization: being organized is also one of the required competencies to try to prove that you have it.
Competency-based Interview Questions; What You Should Expect:
Although each interviewer has his/ her interviewing applicants' technique, many common questions may happen on every occasion. These questions require very descriptive/ analytical answers. For example, when you are asked to describe a project, you need to
- Introduce the project that you have handled
- The skills and the components required for the project
- The time consumed and the way you met the deadline
- The final result with a comparative statement is showing the before and after the stage.
Competency interviews are following the STAR approach:
Situation: be aware that your interviewer will always put you in a challenging position.
Task: consider the functions or the operations needed to fix the situation or improve it.
Action: you need to describe the actions taken to change the situation.
Result: you need to describe the outcome.
Let's prepare for the big day:
Preparing for competency-based interviews is essential to pass the test. You should get acquainted with the different common questions no matter the job you are applying for. To answer brilliantly, you need to:
- Take good hold of the job requirements and use them in your answers.
- Match your skills with the required competencies to prove that you are the one.
- Be generous in your answers; always give the impression that you can handle the situation.
Competency-based Interview Questions and Sample Answers:
Now, it is time to give explained examples that occur in many professional industries.
Q1: Tell me about the time when you solved a conflict that might have affected your work?
This question highlights your problem-solving, communicative, and team management skills and how you should deal with conflicts. Here is a sample answer:
When I was an employee, I got the news about the absence of a necessary file from the company. I was the suspected person for this happening, as I was new in the industry and did not get well with other colleagues. So, many have accused me of losing this file. Of course, such conflict might end my career at that time. So, I was investigated by my manager about the missing file. I told my manager about my office routine, and I also proved that I am not the last person who has dealt with the file. Someone else from another department was responsible for that, and as I was new to the field. Some colleagues conspired against me and wanted to make me responsible for all the conflict.
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Q2: How do you influence people to try their best, especially when they are subject to extermination?
This question is about re-establishment and cooperation in the workplace. The competences needed are to highlight leadership and teamwork and ensure equal and fair opportunities to everyone.
I have a colleague who was facing wicked personal problems, affecting his performance at work. Managers have warned this person that chances are becoming limited to be kept for the position. It was hard for me to lose a person who was one of the people who contributed to my success. I owe this person a lot of gratitude, and I need to save this colleague from the danger zone. I convinced my manager to grant him a Performance Improvement Plan, in which I will guarantee the professional improvement of my colleague. Soon after some negotiations, employers have agreed on giving the last chance for this person. I stick to my pledge, and I managed to help my colleague to improve in his profession. It was a successful experience, as I always felt that everyone should be helpful and hopeful for the best results.
Q3: Tell me about a significant decision you made recently? Do you regret it now?
This question focuses on decision-making competency. It is about assessing personal plans and how applicants evaluate their plans, whether they are following the right track or not.
I made a lot of decisions in my life. One of my most significant decisions is a career change. It took me a lot of time to consider changing my job, as I earned new skills and became used to the company's culture and work details. During my work, I was always notified by other friends from my professional circle to join another industry. I didn't make an instant decision about that because I was afraid of losing both positions. I considered career change after a thoughtful journey. Of course, I am not regretting any decisions because I am very wise when it comes to decision making.
These were three competency-based interview questions. You can follow these guidelines to structure your interview answers. I hope that they are helpful for your upcoming job interview.