How to Prepare for Government Jobs in India?
posted:4 years agobyAwatef Hamdiin Graduates
Getting a government job in the public sector has become very challenging. Every year, there is a massive promotion of new graduates seeking employment in the government sector. As the retirement age has extended, there are minimal job positions in the government sector. For fair, professional recruitment, the government sought to use exams as criteria to select candidates. Fratres will show you the tips to crack a job government exam to get hired. Let’s get started!
What is a Government Job Exam?
As survival is for the fittest, recruitment is for the smartest, the talented, and the luckiest. There are so many factors related to these exams. Some candidates view the experience as a rabbit race, others as a lottery ticket. These impressions cannot be adopted to describe a job government exam. In other words, a government job can take different forms :
Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ): this is the standard type to test the knowledge of applicants and select candidates. Test your knowledge through these MCQ exams and calculate your scores from here: Free Online MCQ Tests for Entrance Exam Preparation
A Written Topic: for final selections or in a field, where the number of applicants is limited and where it is possible to read their written essay, a written task can be adopted as a government exam.
Check the upcoming exams of 2020 from here; Upcoming exams
Are Government Job Exams so Hard?
For some applicants, getting a job in the government sector can be a difficult task, especially if it was a peon job or a class-A job. As many people are trying to reach the central & state government jobs, you need to consider the following:
1. Keep Trying:
To crack a government job, you need to adopt perseverance and consistency. We are not making you discouraged. But, it is hard if it is not rare to get a government exam for the first time. The first time is an experience to learn from and to see what a government exam could be. So, if you fail at the first exam, don’t be upset, because you are not the only one who loses the first bullet.
2. Practice:
My math teacher always says that every math exercise needs to be done again and again to get the rule. Not all subjects are like bicycle riding. Once you master it, you comfortably ride it at any time. Some subjects require repetition, memorization, and practice. Therefore, you need to practice the basic subjects that you are going to sit for an exam. Are you an MBA graduate? Check the possible careers for you;
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3. Read the Assignment
Control your nerves and take minutes to read the assignment carefully. It is a self-explanatory task. However, some candidates get too excited, as they see a segment of the assignment and think that they know the whole task. It’s wrong! No need to hurry. Read the questions carefully. Give yourself time for thinking and brainstorming
4. Make a Revision Program:
You can download a mobile that motivates you to achieve your daily tasks. Always set your goals for the day. Don’t overload your revision program, until you get bored or unproductive. Take 5 minutes to break after 45 minutes of complete work and concentration.
5. Download/ Buy the Job Government Exam Preparation Books:
For better preparations, you need to use job government exams books. These books contain similar assignments and corrected tasks with explanations, which help you to better answer in the exam. Once you download these books, you can prepare for a job government exam without a coach. Choose your exam preparation book from here; Best Books for Exam Preparation.
What Should I Do If I Didn’t Crack a Job Government Exam?
It is not the end of the world. Many candidates who were didn’t crack the exam, even though they have spent time and effort preparing for the exam. There is always a bright side of experience. You have tried your best,and you need to focus on success next time. How is that? Identify your weaknesses and try to improve them for the next exam. Are you interested in the Banking sector? Check this out: How to Start a Career in the Banking Sector in India?
What to avoid while preparing for a government job exam
1.Wrong Expectations:
Avoid expecting certain grades. Over calculation can ruin your thoughts. Moreover, you need to seriously prepare for this exam because there is no retake session or any second chance. Don’t expect that a government exam relies on general knowledge or luck. These are false assumptions. If someone tells you, don’t believe it.
2. Changing the Target:
Many candidates sacrifice a set of subjects, since they have changed the target. This is a significant risk that does not always culminate in success. Imagine, you were about to reach a river in the desert, and a wicked voice in you tells you that it’s a mirage, let’s try another path. So you start gathering new materials for other subjects, while you can be closer to the selective elite, if you have worked harder in your current subjects. So think about improvement rather than changing the targets.
3. Comparison
Avoid comparing yourself with others. Don’t link your efforts with what others have done and started comparing. A government job exam is indeed a tough competition to face. But, there is no worth in comparing yourself with others, because the comparison is always a sign of lack of confidence and underestimation.
These were different government exam preparation tips. Try to apply the following advice to get a job in the government sector. Improve your reasoning abilities in daily practice. Always make a summary of lengthy information and make a man, including the necessary rules, you have memorized. All the best candidates!