How to Create a Rsume on Microsoft Word?

posted:4 years agobyAwatef Hamdiin CVs
Microsoft Word is a word-processing software that let you create different kinds of office files and documents, ranging from resume to blog post. There are many versions of Microsoft. The latest one is MS 2019. For writing, documents, editing them, and even crafting a bibliography, Microsoft Word has always provided the necessary materials for making your written work accurate and presentable. Another benefit of Microsoft Word is creating your resume, which is the topic of today's article. Let's get started!
How to Make a Resume on Microsoft Word:
Microsoft Word is an ideal tool that can help you create your resume without downloading any template. If you master this program, you can build an impressive resume. Breaking news! All the versions of Microsoft Word include resume templates. All you need to do is to select a resume template and start writing your information. Do you want the latest version of Microsoft Word? Check this out; How to Check if You Have the Latest Version?
Steps for Building a Resume on Microsoft 2007
If you didn't update your windows or you don't have the latest version of Microsoft, this is for you. Microsoft word 2007 already includes resume templates. When you open the office button to select a new document, you find a list of additional document types such as greeting cards, invitations, job descriptions, letters, plans etc... When you scroll down in this list, you can find Resumes & CVs. Click on it. Congrats! You have just reached Microsoft word 2007 templates.
Steps for building a resume on Microsoft 2010
Microsoft Word offers a set of resume and CV templates. The difference lurks in the updated version of your Microsoft tool. Now let's show you some of the resume patterns that you can benefit from.
First, open the Word and click on "file." Once you do that, you will receive several different models to choose from. Then, click on "Resumes and Cover Letters," which include various types of templates. Now, you'll see all the different resume patterns that Word offers. There's also a lot of different styles and colors to choose from. If you scroll down the list a little bit, you'll also see some resume templates that have been designed for different purposes such as, like an entry-level resume, experienced resume style, or timeline.
As many templates already exist in Word, there are others, which you can download them for free from;
How to build a resume on Microsoft?
When you click to create a resume, Word will let you know the download size (if you need to download the template). Click on the "Create" button, and after a few seconds, you will be in your document and ready to modify it.
That's all! But what if you don't find the model you like? Fortunately, Word has a few formatting tools to help you shape your perfect resumes.
Microsoft Word Resume Steps
Before you start doing this, it's essential to know that every resume must reflect your personal experience and education. Since everyone's experience is different, it's no wonder that every resume is special and different. However, there are some general guidelines to follow.
1.The Way your Resume Looks
When you open an empty document in Word, the first thing you need to do is to set the Margins. So go to the Layout tab and click on the Margins button. The computer screen will display for you several different margin options. You can choose one of them. If you didn't find the margin you are looking for, you can click "Custom Maps" at the bottom and enter the configuration you want. According to experts, the best margin size is 1 up and down and 0.63 for both sides. This margin helps you put your information with clear and readable letters.
2. Decide What Information to Include
Now that the margins have been set, it is time to enter your information. The content of your resume is primarily based on whether you are a fresh graduate or an experienced job seeker. For example; If you have professional experience, your resume will be formatted as it follows:
- Name and contact information
- Career objectives
- Work experience
- Education
- Skills and knowledge
- Hobbies and interests
- Awards and achievement
- Declaration (if required)
Your resume details should follow a specific format. It's worth noting that you don't need to include your picture in a resume. However, if you want a professional profile, you can include your photo, following these steps.
- If you have your photos on your computer, go to "insert."
- Click on the picture and insert a photo that has an appropriate size for your document.
- You can modify your photo size to make it fit your resume.
Are you hesitant about putting your photo on a resume? Check this advice; Should I put my photo on my resume?
Final Step: Submit/Save
After finishing your resume, you can review it. Then, press the submit button, when you decide to send your resume to your potential employer. You can also postpone sending your resume by saving the document, especially when you feel that you need more time to change and modify your information.
That was all about crafting a resume on Microsoft word. Hope you find this article as an exciting experience. You can also interact with us and write a helpful comment under this article. Which version of Microsoft Word are you using right now? Let us know down below!