How to Add Reference in a Resume?

posted:4 years agobyAwatef Hamdiin CVs
A resume is a brief document that you need for your professional journey. A professional reference is an additional paper that includes a list of people's names with their contact information. As a job seeker, you may be wondering what to add in this single page paper? Resume elements are essential, when it comes to selecting candidates for a job position. Let's make your resume more interesting by adding a reference to it. Let's get started!
Why Should You Include Reference in Your Resume?
Reference can make your details more credible. If I tell you a story like I previously worked for Bill Gates. You might need a referral to believe me. It is technically what happens when you want to communicate this news to your employer. You need to put a reference that can be a list of people or a reliable source. If you include them inside your resume, you will convince your employer to meet you for the next interview.
What Kind of Reference Should I Put in a Resume?
All credible sources from your network, your colleagues, your supervisors can work as a reference. You should include reliable sources:
- Promote your skills and professional abilities.
- Certify your work experience.
- Give more value to your application.
Your list of references can be out of your small circle. It can include the notice of highly ranked people or international organizations. The following section includes the type of references beyond your professional cycle:
1.Academic Reference:
Using reference starts from listing your academic fulfillment. Your college name, including the remark of supervisors, can be counted as a reference. For example, your internship report or an exchange program with an international student is also an interesting section in your resume. You can contact your former supervisor and get his/ her permission to be put in a list of references. For fresh graduates, check this out;
What to Write in a Subject Line While Emailing a Resume? (for Freshers)
2. Medical Reference:
If you are applying for jobs that require a certain level of physical ability, you need a medical reference that proves that you have no health issues preventing you from getting this job. For example, jobs related to the military field require a medical reference to make sure that you have the necessary physical conditions for tough training and fitness. The same thing is needed in the field of criminal justice.
3. Reference of Social Services:
If you are a person who contributes to many social activities, you can put the name of your senior professional in your resume as a reference. For example:
Your Reference Name
Job title, Red Cross
Contact information
Your Reference's Name
Job title, Acted
Contact information
4. Legal Reference:
Employers need to know that you have no criminal record. A certificate of non-criminal record or a police clearance certificate (PPC) can be required in some job positions. For example, if you are working abroad, your foreign employer would require a PPC. You only apply for this document if it is required.
Police Clearance Certificate (PCC)
After exploring the different types of references and their roles in portraying applicants, let's see the fundamental conditions of putting them in a resume:
Where Can I put my reference list in a resume?
A resume reference page is a single-page list that requires these steps;
- First, put your name at the top of your page.
- Second, put a list of your professional references that includes their names, job titles, workplace, and contact information.
- Third, format your list and don't put useless details.
- Don't put a reference that you are not sure of its source like contact information. If you choose to add a retired person as your reference, put between parentheses after stating his/ her previous job the term retired.
- You can organize your reference list following alphabetical order.
- Consider punctuation; don't forget to put a comma following each reference name. You can also read; How to Write a Career Objective Statement for Freshers
Resume Reference List Example:
Dr Majid Hussein, Associate Professor, Institute of Business Management (PIBM) Gut No. 605/1 Lavasa Road, Tal - Mulshi,, Paud Road, Pirangut, Pune, Maharashtra 412115, India
+91 (your professor's phone number)
Dr. Hussein supervised my MA thesis from 2009-2011.
Mr. Ned Fernandez, Business Manager, Neptune Consultants
(Workplace Address)
+91 (your manager's number)
Mr. Fernandez was my manager, when I worked part-time at Neptune Consultants (from 2011-2012).
Mr.Ram Shetty, Business Development Manager, HiTech Corporation
Plot No.39, Wellesley Road, Mantri Court, Next To R.t.o., Near Sangam Bridge, Pune, 411001, India (workplace address)
+91 (you reference number)
[email protected] (your reference email)
Mr. Shetty was my supervisor from (include the date for example 2012 – 2016).
Mr. Salim Shah, Manager, HiTech Corporation
Plot No.39, Wellesley Road, Mantri Court, Next To R.t.o., Near Sangam Bridge, Pune, 411001, India (workplace address)
+91 (you reference's phone number)
[email protected] (your reference email)
Mr. Shah was my manager from (example: 2013-2016)
Professional reference in a resume provides a strong recommendation to encourage employers to select you. Again, you should prepare a reference list that suits your application. If you are applying for teaching jobs, your reference should include teaching professionals. In other terms, your reference should have a secure connection to your professional field and better proof of your potential abilities. Don't forget to give us a thumbs up and to join Fratres for new professional updates.