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5 Simple (But Important) Things to Remember about Interviews

Getting a job goes through various selective stages among them a job interview. After submitting your CV and cover letter, you should expect a meeting in which you prove the information written in your application documents. In Romania, the interviewing process is adopted for both entry-level and experienced applicants. Here is what you need to know about this meeting:

Job Interview Preparations in Romania:

job interviews in Romania

In Romania, job interviews are not only part of the recruitment process, but also a way to grant applicants the equal opportunity to express their motivations for a job offer. There are various types of interviewing the candidates. Each recruiter employs a set of strategies to interview the present candidates. Sometimes that process might involve coming back for a second job interview. A job interview is usually expected after one week of submitting your application. Since meeting candidates is a filtering way to obtain the job, you need to go through an important set of preparations to have an enthusiastic meeting.

-Research: this phase should always happen whether you are searching for a job or going to a job interview. When you refresh your information about the offered position, its tasks, its professional environment, you will automatically know how to structure your answers during the meeting. Here are 15 Innovative Approaches To Improve Your Getting Started.

-Work on generating a positive impression: how to offer a positive impression when you are meeting recruiters for the first time? There is nothing better than arriving on time. Punctuality is a sign of taking the offer seriously. Another way of working on a positive impression is to dress. You should dress according to the work environment, you are going to operate in the future. This professional appearance will give the impression that you have the matching profile that recruiters are looking for.

-Know how to introduce yourself: introducing yourself to recruiters differs from introducing yourself to new friends. There is always a set information that should be clearly stated within your brief introduction to show your confidence and your motivation for the job. So try to make the introduction following this order:

  • Your name
  • Your current professional situation
  • Your academic background
  • A Friendly welcome

 Example: My name is Amaliya Reeves. I am a n accountant assistant, with a Master degree in accountancy, I am glad to be here.

Do not include personal information such as your nationality or your age. Just rely on your CV profile and turn it into a professional introduction.

-Prepare the final questions you will have to ask at the end of the job interview: at the end of a job interview, recruiters will give you the occasion to ask them questions. Don’t escape this step and prepare the possible questions that suit the meeting.

After you go through these preparations, you need to learn about specific information related to job interviews in Romania. Fratres offers you 5 important things to remember during a job interview. So, sign up to Fratres to learn about the different professional tips across the world.

1.Prepare the Common Job Interview Questions of the Field.

Offering confident answers comes after preparing them. Recruiters will always resort to common job interview questions to learn your motivations for the job. Whatever is the jchosen field, recruiters will ask:

-Where/ When/ How have you learned about the position: sometimes recruiters are curious about your job search technique and how much time it takes you to reach them. They will evaluate the effort spent in reaching them

-Why do you want this job: recruiters want to learn about the reasons for choosing this job. Try to offer a variety of reasons such as, seeing your career goals within this profession, dreaming of working in a similar environment, proving your professional abilities, etc…

-what are your strengths and your weaknesses: recruiters want to see your own self-evaluation and how do you describe your personal traits for the job. Try to choose genuine strengths and weaknesses that coincide with the demands of the job.

-Your salary expectations: employers are also interested in knowing the salary range you expect from this job. So try to not identify a specific number. You should rather choose a range, which meets your efforts and work ethics.

2. Watch your Body Language:

body language in a job interview

As a candidate, you should care for your body language. Recruiters will consider this language in evaluating your candidacy. You should watch:

-Your posture: the way you sit and confront recruiters, tells a lot about your personality. Don’t bend or lean too much, try to sit in a similar way your interviewer does and do not cross your legs.

-Your eye contact: try to share your attention and your gaze, in case of having a panel interview. Look straight to your interviewer and don’t blink too much. Don’t look at your watch from time to time

- Your tone of voice: the way you answer the question is essential to reflect your stress-management and confidence.

 3. Check what you wrote in your CV and Cover letter:

 You are invited to a job interview, where recruiters want to verify the information mentioned in your  CV and cover letter. These documents should be altered with every job application. That’s why, you need to check them and also bring a copy of your CV, to know how to structure the answers related to these application documents.

4. Manage Time:

 Each answer should not exceed 2 or 3 minutes. Try not to elaborate fake job interview answers. Take your time and focus on each question. Try not to show stress and hesitation make sure to take time before you answer, even if you already know the question and know its answer.

5. Send a Thank you Email:

follow up

It is important to send a thank you note after a week of the interview, stating your motivation. End by specifying that you will contact the recruiter in 7 days or that you are waiting to hear from them, depending on what was agreed upon at the end of the interview. Here is How do I follow up after an interview? Use these 3 examples to help

These were the top 5 things to consider in a job interview. Don’t forget to follow up and. Prepare for a second job interview, as your previous interview might entail a second one. If you didn’t get any response a week after your follow-up, consider applying for another job.


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